Tuesday, 11 November 2014

My Winter Bucket List


    Every time autumn and winter roll around I get overly excited and get all these grand plans about the fun things I'm going to do, and I'm adamant every year I will do them. But nevertheless, I always forget or simply don't have time to get round to doing it. This year, of course, I have the same mindset but I am going to try my dammed hardest to actually engage in all of these activities! Even if I don't, this is a great post for anyone looking for ideas of things to do with friends, family or their other half. Here goes:

1. Winter Wonderland: This is possibly the most worn out, common and talked about event going on around the winter months, but I'm sorry I still haven't been and I really want to! I constantly hear people talking about how 'it's the same every year' or how they're 'bored of going all the time' and it makes me sad because the idea of going really excites me! 

2. To go out for breakfast on Christmas eve: I don't know why, but the idea of breakfast on a crisp winters morning, the day before Christmas with my family sounds like the most lovely idea! But there have always been two problems with my vision. Firstly, me and my brother like our sleep and often sleep in till at least 10 or 11am and therefore by the time we're up and ready, breakfast has stopped being served. Secondly, my parents are always so busy in the day time on Christmas eve, as it seems every year we host a party for close friends in the evening, so no-one ever has time. However, I have been asking for about 4 years to go, so hopefully this year they'll take pity on me.

3. Go sledding: I live in Bournemouth, so if you know your geography of the UK well enough, you'll know you can't really get anymore southern than that. So I'm right on the coast. This means the lack of snow where I'm from is exceedingly depressing and if there ever is any, there is definitely not enough of it to take a sled out. Therefore, this year, regardless of who with, I am 100% set on finding somewhere snowy slightly more northern and reliving my favourite winter past time.

4. Go the the German bar in town: Any town that has a German market set up in the winter time will probably have seen these adorable pop-up german bars. They're all log cabins and warm fires and it just makes me feel so content with life. I say that, I've never actually been in one, I just imagine thats how it would make me feel. I only turned 18 in march so I could never get into the one in Bournemouth town centre (despite multiple tries.) So I'm bursting with excitement to finally be able to actually go. I've even already told my flat mates we're going ASAP.

    So those are the four things I'm desperate to this winter. If anyone has any other cool ideas for days out this winter give me a tweet!

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